Monday, December 13, 2010

Account opening procedure

To open an export collection account with Sydbank you must provide the following:

Company documentation

  • Extract from the companies registry evidencing valid registration of the company and listing the individuals authorized to sign for the company (if registered in Denmark: Extract from the company’s entry with the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency - "Udskrift fra Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen")
  • Articles of Association
  • Latest Annual Report
  • Photocopy of passport evidencing citizenship and place of residence of each individual authorized to sign account opening documents and to access the company’s account

Account opening documents (duly completed and signed):

  • Opening Form
  • Signature Form
  • Letter of Attorney to Operate Principal’s Account
  • MT101 Sydbank Agreement 
  • Sydbank MT940 Request
  • Referral letter from your main banker

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